The short version. I’ve got a couple of artists working on Loyalty of Severus artwork and I couldn’t be more thrilled.

I’ve shown this image on social media in the past. It’s helped one of my artists–not saying who yet–put together an incredible piece of associated art. Varius looks incredible in the drafts I’ve seen, almost like he stepped out of my imagination.
A few of you already know my Patreon is on the verge of reactivation. We’re less than a week away from January 1, 2022, which is when a draft of the first chapter of Loyalty of Severus is going to arrive for my supporters.
Ask me nice, and you can read a few of the opening pages. 😉
My initial points were simple. A description of Varius, a few of my own sketches (including the one above), and some images that inspired me, especially the cover to the first trade of Black Science.
What’s come from that synthesis is a bright, energetic take on my central character. It’s a good time to be the writer Len Berry. I’d love for you to be there with me in a few days to take part in the fun.