We’re halfway through my busy October and I’ve finally sorted out a question I’ve been asking myself for a while:
What will my Patreon tiers be when I reactivate my page?
I’m in luck. There are finally some answers. Not all the answers, but a framework for what I plan to offer.
- General Support. Tip jar. Whatever you want to call it. Here’s the level where you just want to help. It may or may not include basic reading privileges.
- Editorial Powers. I’ll have a level for reading where a patron can say what they thing I should fix/change/edit. No guarantee I’ll do it, but the power to influence the story will appear at this level.
- Current Project. Here’s where someone gets a copy of the full project. The difference between this and just getting to read it is bigger than it looks. If I edit a project, they get the updated version. If I recompile a project they supported, they get another copy.
- Every Len Berry Solo Project. This is the same as the previous level except this patron gets a copy of everything I release. I put out an e-book? They get a copy. I independently print a paperback? They get a copy. If I release a top-tier, traditionally recorded and produced audiobook? They get a copy. This level is for a patron in the truest historical definition of the word.
It’s not much, but this is a huge victory for me. I hope you’ll be willing to join me on the journey when it starts again.
Finally, I’m planning an incentive for anyone on my newsletter list. They’ll get the first installment of my project before it goes live. If you’re after a taste of what’s coming, my newsletter list is the place to find it.