I haven’t done the best job of keeping the world updated on what I’m doing. Oops.
Let’s see if I can fix that.
I’m shopping for cover artists. Yeah, I draw, but it’s more of a conceptual element for me. To see something, especially on my own, I’m going to need to up the art game. That means hiring an artist.
I have two projects in mind that will need art. One will be a collected version of my dark fantasy serial, Scars of Shadow. (It’s like Dark Souls getting invaded by the goo from the movie Prometheus. Fun!)
The other project will be focus of my Patreon when I reactivate it in the Fall. I’ve been whispering about “space Romans” in quieter parts of the Internet. That’s my too-simplistic code for Loyalty of Severus, a Dune-inspired future history about displaced imperial heirs, wild technology, the trappings of sex (yes, there’s a sex scene that’s vital to the plot), and gender conflict. That last bit is an echo of the whole “space Romans vs. space Amazons” plot that I’m cleaning up these days.
More immediate than that, I’ve learned I’ll have a story featured in The Common Tongue! I like dark fantasy and so do they. Specifics are upcoming, but I can tell you this will be the best Halloween for me yet.
Am I excited by all this? Yes. Have I been active with that excitement? Not really. I’ve been too busy trying to keep up with it all! That’s fine with me. That kind of busy is a good problem to have.